Thursday, January 23, 2014

Crafting with a Purpose

The craft group here at Creekside Oaks crafts with a clear goal in mind. We call it "Crafts for a Cause" - all of the crafters put their brains together to come up with crafts that would be useful for a particular organization in the community. After we've finished with our craft, we donate the items to the charity organization of choice. Last year, we focused much of our attention on the homeless population and their children in Folsom. This year, we've decided to take a different approach, choosing a new organization each quarter and working on a craft that would be appropriate for the organization of choice.

For the first quarter of 2014, we decided to focus our efforts on the homeless animals in the Sacramento region. We are currently working on tennis ball and rope toys, water bottle crinkle toys, and handmade blankets. We have created a small quarterly newsletter called The Conscious Crafter to distribute within Creekside Oaks to share the hard work and beautiful crafts created by our amazing crafters!

Below is the first edition of The Conscious Crafter:

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