Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Flo is 101!

Our very dear Flo turned 101 on Friday. We celebrated her during our resident birthday bash - with special entertainment from our resident Terry. We sang happy birthday, and Terry kept us all busy while he played his harmonica and had us singing along. It was a wonderful afternoon.

Bringing Life to Creekside

Our residents love entertainment. Live music creates a different atmosphere in the community - people are happy, dancing, reminiscing, and socializing. What a wonderful way to spend time all together!

We recently welcomed Brandon to play the accordion for us - and not only did he play accordion and sing, but he also played piano at the same time, got the residents to sing for him, and had them dancing as well.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Karaoke Away!

Residents sang along to karaoke yesterday - many of them for the first time. We had a group who sang along with the music, a few who sang without, several dancers and even a harmonica player. The audience enjoyed the afternoon, with laughter, smiles and great company.