Friday, August 30, 2013

Be Fair to Your Health at the Creekside Oaks Health Fair

Creekside opened its doors and welcomed more than 22 local health related businesses for its 2013 Health Fair. There was a wide variety of businesses, ranging from a nurse offering blood sugar testing, Walgreens testing blood pressure and giving flu shots, home health care, low/loss of hearing services, community programs, physical therapy, local craft and hobby stores, and so much more.

The Health Fair was busy nearly all day, with many residents gaining information, free goodies, and even free raffle prizes! It was a wonderful day had by all, and a huge success!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

The Sweet Taste of the Jelly Belly Factory

Residents had a great time at the Jelly Belly Factory! They got to see the inner working of how Jelly Bellies are made, how long it takes to make one Jelly Belly, what they taste like during their manufacturing process, and how Jelly Bellies began. With unlimited free samples, cute little kids running around, and an educational experience, residents were happy we made the hour drive to tour the factory.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Get Active, Get Well

August is Wellness Month at Creekside Oaks!

There are new activities on the calendar, and numerous opportunities for residents to learn more about how they can improve their health.

Wii bowling is so much fun and a way to get exercise too.

Ladder Golf is another great way to have fun and get in some physical activity (you won't even realize you're "exercising")

There are so many opportunities to fit in physical activity! Walking on your own, dancing to music, playing a game like we do around here... Try something new today!

S'more what?

Residents celebrated National S'more Day a day early! We had an assembly line of s'mores and everyone enjoyed their delicious treats!

Some of the residents had never had a s'more! Can you believe it? And some of them sat and reminisced, since they hadn't had a s'more in 30 years or more.
It was a delightful and delicious way to spend the afternoon.